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Personal information

My teams
Add your teams to your profile and your dashboard will be kept up to date with your team's next game and current standing.
**If you are an official or shot-clock operator, our scheduler will ensure you aren't scheduled for games when you're scheduled to be playing or coaching. If you identify yourself as a fan, the system will ensure that you are not scheduled to Officiate that specific team, but may schedule for another game that is happening at the same time.

roster_id | person_id | Team | Role | Jersey # (players only) | Display on Dash? | entered_by | entered_on | site_id | Receive e-mail notifications? | |
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Assignable arenas
Identify the fields that you are willing to be assigned to. You will be able to pick up games at fields not on this list, but you will not be automatically assigned to them.

table_id | person_id | Organization | Arena | entered_on | Mileage | entered_by | |
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